Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Not So Tough solutions for Rohingyans

Social Media is simmering with posts accusing Myanmar of one of the biggest humanitarian crisis based on ethnic cleansing. Aung Sang Suu Kyi, a recent Noble prize holder, is also accused of alleged campaign slaughtering hundreds of Rohingyan Muslims in Rakhine valley and kicking them out of the land they have dwelled for dozens of years. Rohingyans are deprived of their due rights as human beings since more than 40 years despite of all U.N resolutions.
There is another consistent factor behind this crisis is the apathy of Muslim world and their insenstivity to all such massacres faced by Muslims throughout the world. It's time for Muslims to stand united with one strong voice to condemn Myanmar, ending diplomatic and trade ties with her. Bengladesh who is also one of the reason must had devised a plan with other Muslim countries before the onset of this carnage. The irresponsible behavior of state should be punished with sanctions from OIC countries.Rohingyan families should be divided among other countries where 70 percent share should be from Muslim countries and 30 percent from other Non.Muslim countries.
Even if it is impossible, Myanmar should be supported if agrees to provide all rights to them. Universities must be established by Muslim countries in Rakhine valley to make Rohingyans better citizens in their own homeland. Muslim countries can come up with  multiple solutions to this crisis if they really take it 'seriously'.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Process Oriented Institutions and underdeveloped Countries

There are always two ways we can run organizations and institutes. One is Result Oriented and the other one is Process Oriented . In a Result oriented way of running an institute, you have outcomes, profits, turnovers, ground level advantages and sometimes breakthroughs as the real parameters to gauge the performance of employees. On contrary to this, in a Process Oriented way, the process is monitored strictly, the protocols are monitored but results are never observed. The process includes attendance of personnels at the site, maintenance of ledgers and registers, things are placed rightly, people are wearing nice uniforms, all SOPs are observed in the organization but results?? Does not matter. Growth is not the demand.
You will be amazed that why these two methods are under discussion in this era of 2017? Yes, there are still countries Pakistan, India, Sudan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and other underdeveloped countries where Government departments are still "process oriented". Results are not the issue for them. One of the major reason of backward system of everything. The system is rife with "red tapism". You are 'Ok' with your Process related issues? You are doing right no matter how much harmful the results are. No matter what are the outcomes. You need to come to your job site and you can just do your job perfectly without delivering any services.
These countries are still in back gears. They are not flourishing due to such reasons. Masses are getting nothing from Government departments due to this menace.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

White Supremacy in USA

Its basic human nature to have allegiances, so when religion departs it is replaced by equally extreme ideologies e.g Nationalism, Communism, Capitalism, Racism etc. You can't keep a human free from all types of prejudices. One of such type is that of skin color whose history goes back to medieval times. Sadly, a truth which is almost getting unprevalent in developing nations but is holding strong grounds in "Advanced Civilizations". Recent election of Mr. Donald Trump is a glaring example of this phenomenon. It is an ugly face of a country who holds a contract to raise finger over all the nations doing any good for their own sake. USA will enter into a mode of decadence and downfall if this carried out for longer. No sane civilized person thinks that Humanity is something defined by skin color,but there are factors which are harboring this medieval concept among the public.
Its time for all the wise and sensitive people of USA to negate this very ideology otherwise their country whose beauty lies in its multiculturism and liberal thoughts will die on its own.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Myth of Success and Failure

There is an overwhelming urge among us "the carnal beings" to succeed. There are dozens of inspirational stories,quotes and events surrounding us which increase this urge manifold,day by day. All converge their energies to push us towards the way,the target and the destination we envisaged as our very own "success" and in which we see our "success story". Very few events,quotes and motivational stories will define whats success,its definition or how actually the person can be declared as a "successful being"?
We overstated success as an Economic affluence, fame , power , abundant luxuries and a big bank statement. What's success and what's the failure is still a myth,unresolved by all philosophers on earth.
A child ambitious enough to become an aeronautical engineer, attains his task, suddenly is caught with an emotional accident,fails to manage his life and now sleeps under the influence of tranquilizers?
A man with all luxuries in life,can't sleep at night because his mind remains stick to his Mercedes Benz, the diamond necklace he bought for his wife and his servants because he thinks there could be a robbery or some evil plan is going to be hatched by his servants.
An hollywood actress can't find an honest relationship empty from greed.
A powerful politicians arouses feelings of fear among people so he can't have the biggest luxury of good friends around him. Hitler dies off suicide.
All these people no matter how much got overstated by public as "succesful" none of them is happy with his or her life. They are not satisfied. They can't live a life with basic human necessities like good sleep,everything to eat, honest family relations.
On the other hand, there is a boy picking up food from rubble and hotel wastage, eats everything,remain healthy,sleeps tight and have other poor boys to play,to share to enjoy real perks of life. The boy continues so in his whole life and finally dies someday peacefully without the depression that what would happen to his estates as he owns nothing.
Its very easy to be successful in someone's else perspective but very difficult to succeed in your own perspective. Its very easy to be a failure in your own perspective but sometimes you are the luckiest man or woman on earth yet you fail to enjoy your life with all available happiness in the guise of failure.

Monday, 1 May 2017

China and Donkeys

China's inverse relation of human  population is getting more inverse with Donkey population. Not just their own country but the donkeys are vanishing from all the countries,China has an open trade link. Situation is severe in Africa

Donkeys in Africa under threat as demand for hides grows http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39721239

And emerging with CPEC in Pakistan where the route is just getting not only a free trade zone but also a donkey-free zone.
China utilizes donkeys for food and medicine purpose. Gluten beneath the donkey skin is a very important factor used in various Chinese traditional medicines and Traditional dishes. Bones are used for Organic Calcium source which is more bioavailable and have less side effects especially much safer for kidneys avoiding kindey stones caused by inorganic calcium.
There is a remarkable decline in population in Africa and Pakistan where Government of Pakistan is going to start Pro-Donkey policy targetting increasing their numbers by making their farms and giving incentives to farmers for raising and breeding.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Limiting Access to Information in Turkey,Kashmir,China?

Grief when suppressed,Love not expressed and point of view not listened, creates an environment of radicalism,mutiny and despair. Barring the expression of feelings is just adding insult to injury. Pressure when left to built up just blows the container. Slow poisoning not left for drainage , kills.
Stories unshared by communities with their infants are turned into eye-opening facts for adults aptly used by foes to destroy the envisaged image. They feel betrayed with confidence lost. The trust is lost. Patriotism gets destroyed. It slowly nurtures the treachery among the angry youth and youthful angry elders. Hatred spreads covertly swiftly and more intensely from person to person rather than Media to public. There is no drainage to prolonged despair. All that results in a more blistering anarchy,exactly for which that community strived to avoid. Same can happen to present Turkey,China,India and all those countries who are trying not to change but implementing the policy of suppression. Verily, a man can be killed but not an idea.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Population Bloom ; A Blame Game

Colonialism in every era of mankind had its impact in promulgation of certain ideologies and with them spread of certain ethnicities,languages,religions, classes,creeds or whatsoever you call an aggregation of people with similar identity consciuosness. One of the biggest events of colonialism happened during the European sprawl across the continents. From New World of America to the Australian continent. What fruits this colonialism bore? A uniform distribution of European population across continents from the close confinement of small European continent with high population density per square meter. Fecundative Europeans spread across the globe to fill every corner. Yet,the blame of all "Liberal thinkers" comes on other nations like Conservative Christian,Jews,Muslims,Africans etc that they are barbarians not caring the population without considering how they themselves inhabited continents of continents and tricked the phenomenon of population density. Hypocrisy?

Scientific Quest by Affluents!!

(In the Image a Large Hadron Collider whose yearly cost is equivalent to the yearly GDP of Kenya)

History unveils some bitter truths. The plunderer gets rich and have all the facilities to do good and evil. So, is the story of Scientific Quest.  War on other nations and making them slaves,brings a period of peace and economic stability which in turn entices a will in people to free their minds and to do quest of their desires,hopes and ambitions. Greeks did this way,Muslims did this way and finally West did the same way. Research demands affluence,peace,strong urge and a lot of free time. Its a healthy byproduct of all the atrocities you brought on other nations,people and factions by siezing their lands and properties and above all their freedom. Its not an attribute to boast about which developed nations do. How a Science student in Afghanistan will go ahead to invent when you have bombed his home? How a Jew student whose family had been choked to death in a concentration camp will come ahead to develop a new device? When you are in a constant phase of immigration from one country to another because no one is going to grant a basic right of having a piece of land to live in, how will you have a clearer mind to excel in research and studies? 

This is a universal dilemma that developed nations had only certain level of positive urge to work hard for their scientific quest and underdeveloped people are savage. The only difference is that one was a plunderer and other was the victim. Plunderer got good kids who created labs out of robbed money while the victim's kids hadn't enough money to buy bread even.

For the Love and Hate of Syria

A Beautiful Historical Country built around the administrative centre of Aleppo first and Damascus later, is burning just like its parallel Iraq with Baghdad as centre. The country divided by extremist Muslim factions, the advantage of which is taken by foreign powers just in fear of a certain Geographical theory that, " Whosoever controls the Levant,will control the world".

International Relation Theories aren't meant to destroy the humanity. They are to neutralize the potential threats of bloody wars. Yet,we the modern beings after the 9/11 event have got unbridled murdrers, with more deepened ideologues and egoes.

Clash of Civilizations or survival by killing other nations? No sane person can conclude why the Russians,U.S,U.K,Turks have got so pious to save other countries and that by bombing them endlessly. Millions of innocent lives got exterminated in Afghanistan,Iraq,Palestine,Kashmir,Syria and Libya without any solid proves just in wake of implementing new world order. Muslims themselves haven't helped much to save their own people and their own countries instead involved in causing more harm by increasing more tensions in the region.

Not so Islamic state of Levant,the bloody marauders of true Islamic ideology are just a pack of psychopaths and losers with dead conscienceness.They are a bloody stain on the history of Islam and mankind. 

Beauty of Levant is snatched by the whole humanity just for the sake of their egoes,short-run benefits and lust of power. The blood will be on the hand of all the nations who are bombing and all those who are just silent and have done nothing but politics on the necks of innocent women and children of Syria.

Nature will never forgive us all.

Far From here

Far from here is a desert which will give you solace,calmness but draught.

Far from here is a wood which will have all the oxygen and flowers you need but fatal arthropods.

Far from here is a sea which cools,which blues,which give you a chance to swim but you may get drowned.

Far from here is a night club,full of colorful people,laughing around but no sincerety.

Far from here seems beautiful and fulfilling but ultimately,the nature balances your world,gives you something somewhere but snatches an other at the same time from the same place.

Story of Being

Indviduality of an individual is always specific,time-bounded,egoistic and full of biased-ness. An Individual is always in a constant state of safeguarding his existence in this plastic world. There is a struggle to keep him fit for outerworld and his own inner world. Sometimes he tries so by participating and sometimes by excluding himself from his surrounding atmosphere and people. He has got some identities which makes him a different being,in this ever changing universe. He reaches to the apex of his energies to secure his identities just to save his individuality. Sadly,he is not independant. He has got a panorama of endless desires,necessities and ground realities which he has to fulfil at any cost. This story of being remains reverberating in the nooks of whole universe. A particle, a plant, an animal and the superior beings, all have their own story but the basic laws are all uniform. Story of being is harsh but may or may not be sad. Story of being murmurs both the emotions of love and hatred. Story of being is very long,very complex yet it always have the same title.Its climax echoes in the whole surrounding.Its safe to declare that each and every entity in this world shrieks her own, 'Story of Being' without which her "being-ness" is impossible.

Western Hegemony and World Peace

Ideology of a certain state or alliance of states is protected by "realpolitik" and vice versa. Nations always have some vested interests in the wake of which they wage war, strike economic deals, establish military blocs and even establish peace. West since the start of it's "colonization" process in other countries in disguise of "trade" has plundered the natural and human resources of the states being "colonized". Starting from Christopher Columbus where they vanished a whole race from the earth, just to amass the plundered resources till the Iraq war, west has wreaked havoc for it's personal interests or for compensating the Economic depressions due to poorly conceived policies. No doubt western civilization's contribution to science is immense, yet it doesn't make her free of all the charges. Just after the World Wars, world faced the first Economic depression and a series of events which lead to the formation of so-called "Treaty of Versailles","League of Nations",Bretton Woods and so-called torchbearer of peace called "United Nations". Wars slaughtered millions and Economic policies some other millions. Petrodollars further worsened the condition of Rest of the world and any one raising a voice against west was slain. It was America the so-called Peaceful Nation who bombed the entire cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was Hitler who made concentration camps. It was the result of "Cold-War" between illegitimate heirs of World Order, who led to such instances that world is facing the woes of so-called "Islamic Terrorism" though nothing Islamic in it. Geo-political and economic stress in the "Rest" created by "West" is the cause of all the "terrorism" at first place. But, rest of the world is equally responsible who relied on west for some "light" forgetting that light actually sets in the west.

Dilemma of Muslim Nation!!

Some thousand years back there was a faction of Muslims named "Mutazilites" which sparked a quest to scientific enquiry and logic among the mainstream Muslims. Many scientists were influenced from this ideology, though not all got converted for it. This was termed as the "Golden Period of Islam" in terms of scientific advancement. Mamun-ur-Rashid was a very big fan of Mutazila and is even thought to have adopted this ideology. This faction was  rejected by Mainstream Ulemas of that time which lead to subsequent events of blood shed and psychological warfare. At last some very intelligent of Mainstream Ulemas started "Dialogue" with Mutazilites and defeated them through their own "logic". Whatsoever the history is...That period is still remembered by Muslims as the period of "Enlightenment" and as an "exemplary" one. Now, if you just turn the reel of history back to some 30 years, Dr Abdus Salam is seen to carry the "Mutazila" fate though this time he was a "Secular Qadyani" by ideology. Contemporary Muslims rejected him severely and disowned him harshly. Printing press of Gutenberg had the same fate in the hands of Muslim Ulemas who termed it as an "Innovation" and thrown the so called "Muslim Civilization" in dark ages. Whatever seemed "new" or "hard to understand" is always rejected by the Medieval Minds in every era of Man kind. Sometimes it got rejected at first place and sometimes it got honored to such an extent that Man started to "worship" it. Muslim Nation is also stuck in such dilemmas or double standards of dark-ages.Conclusively, if Dr Abdus Salam is not a Great Muslim Scientist, then for sure, Muslims never encountered any "Golden Scientific Age" in any period.